Home cooking, quarantine style

Isolation – It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Weeks on end stuck at home, unable to delight in my favourite marmite, schlossenberg and spring onion pastry from Pophams, accompanied by a posh coffee. No ramen from Tonkotsu, or hunting down new places to find fresh pasta. No languid Sunday…

Le Mercury

There really is nothing like a cheeky little pay day lunch on a Friday; and that is exactly what I enjoyed last week. Le Mercury is a cosy French restaurant on Upper Street. The decor is charming and rustic but also has a traditional French fine dining feel to it, white tablecloths and all. The walls…

Unwrapped: Help Refugees presents – Majeda’s Choose Love Kitchen

Last week I went to very special supper club. Second Home, recently opened near London Fields, hosted Majeda and her ‘Choose Love’ kitchen; cooking a delicious three-course meal in collaboration with the charity Help Refugees. It’s a unique opportunity to enjoy some beautifully cooked Syrian specialties, and support a worthy cause in the process. Majeda Khoury had…

Are you really going to eat that?

This last week I have been watching season four of ‘The Mind of a Chef’  Narrated by Anthony Bourdain. In this season they follow Gabrielle Hamilton from Prune restaurant in New York. I love her, she’s strong and sassy and she speaks with such passion and intelligence and humour. I enjoy watching her cook,  admire her food philosophy, and…

‘Mae’s Ancient Thai Food’ by Carole Mason and Ning Najpinij

The first thing I notice when I open Mae’s Ancient Thai Food is how vibrant it is. It’s exciting, brimming with colour, energy and undeniable joie de vivre. The book begins with a tribute to its inspiration, Gobgaew Najpinij, followed by a minutely detailed introduction to Thai herbs, spices and techniques, including a page devoted…

Psyche of an Asparagus

Look at me, I’m green and long I’m not a beet, I am not corn, I’m classy, both raw and fried, there’s nothing wrong with that.    Look at me, I’m white and fat I don’t care what you think,  Of that. I have a tip, a crunchy end. I’m great with butter, oh, and…

The process of cooking a lunch time feast, and what I did next…

Last week I cooked lunch for my office. For 10 people you might think… or even 40? No. I cooked lunch for 140 people.  I should probably begin by telling you about the office tradition. I work for an Architecture company where every week, one of the employees has to cook lunch for the entire office. It’s a…

Saturday morning breakfast pizza – With a side of a hangover.

Saturday morning, I eat pizza for breakfast. I could have fried up some eggs like a normal person. But the pizza was calling me. I don’t know why exactly. It just was. I’d say it probably all started the evening before when I got hammered on Veurve Cliquot at the office, followed by a couple of…

Don’t worry, i’m alive. Just dealing with a little health kick.

I’ve been pretty rubbish at updating the blog lately, and i’m feeling a bit guilty about it. The truth is though, that i’ve just been so uninspired. I’ve not eaten anything particularly exciting, or been anywhere new and fun. Also, i’ve been trying this new diet. No, not diet. Let’s call it a ‘healthy meal…

Diving in, to the crumbly remains

  Last night I made an apple crumble. I had promised my housemates some time ago that I would, and decided that since it was a Monday, and I didn’t have anything particularly pressing to do, I would bake them a treat. After I got home from work, in the midst of gobbling up a smoked…