Laithwaite’s Wine – The Exotic and the Esoteric

Wine tasting for dinner on a Thursday? Don’t mind if I do! Last week I was back at Laithwaite’s Wine, under the arches at London Bridge for an exotic and esoteric themed wine tasting. What on earth are you talking about? I suppose you’re thinking. In truth, I wasn’t sure what I was in for…

Bibigo Soho – Where the chefs are behind glass in a chef’s-bowl

Monday was just delightful. One of those rare summer days on London where you can lounge in the park until nine and not even realize the time. Until you get hungry. Then it’s time. To ‘forage’, and find. Try new things. “It’s too hot” my friend says “but I really feel like Korean. Let’s go to…

How to order a kebab

Knowing how to order a kebab sounds like something that should be easy. You decide what you want, you ask for it. Simple. Apparently not. I went to buy a kebab the other night. It had been a rather boozy evening and I hadn’t had time for dinner. Kebab shops are funny places. They are the…

A Food Adventure – Double Pie Dinner with a side of Jellied Eel

Another day, another eating adventure. Ordinarily, I would think that a soft pie with gummy mash covered in a radio-active green parsley sauce with a side of jellied eels sounded unappealing. This time though, the little elderly lady that was serving it too me was so adorable, (in a tough East London sort of way) that…