Just a thought, and a little bit of love.

Hello lovely people, I will not be posting a food blog this week. It didn’t feel appropriate yesterday, and it still doesn’t today. In the wake of what happened in Manchester, to post a story about something I ate seems, to me, disrespectfully frivolous. I will get back to normal with it next week. In…

The process of cooking a lunch time feast, and what I did next…

Last week I cooked lunch for my office. For 10 people you might think… or even 40? No. I cooked lunch for 140 people.  I should probably begin by telling you about the office tradition. I work for an Architecture company where every week, one of the employees has to cook lunch for the entire office. It’s a…

Saturday morning breakfast pizza – With a side of a hangover.

Saturday morning, I eat pizza for breakfast. I could have fried up some eggs like a normal person. But the pizza was calling me. I don’t know why exactly. It just was. I’d say it probably all started the evening before when I got hammered on Veurve Cliquot at the office, followed by a couple of…